
Learning, Loving, Building, and Growing Islamically

The Slow Foods Mama

I’m currently on a mission to cultivate my inner anal-housewife, and creating a homemaking binder has been a step in the right direction. Also, I think better when I have mindless tasks to do, so designing some pretty printables doesn’t seem like a complete waste of time.

I did a lot of poking around on other housewife-y blogs to learn about this magical and mysterious homekeeping / homemaking / family / mum binder.

I must say, I was completely unaware such things existed. Now that I am in charge of a home and family full time, I can see why.

The homemaking binder is basically Command Central for busy homemakers. (And a good way to get all of the crap that floats around on your mental to do lists down on paper.) I saw lots of examples online ranging from downright beautiful to simple workhorses.

I bought a cheapie three ring…

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Written by Theresa Corbin

Jihad! Yes, I said it *looks over shoulder to see if the FBI is going to pounce*.

Jihad is a source of fear and loathing the world over. It is embedded in popular culture as something crazed Muslims do in the name of their religion. But what does it really mean? Should we rely on the media to learn our religion or to learn about other’s religions? 

jihad graffiti

Nah, prolly not a good idea. Unless you like being ignorant and led down the path of bigotry. Is there a place we can go to find out the truth about such things? Is there a source? Somehow? Somewhere? Yes, and in the case of jihad it is the Quran. The source is the Quran. Not those who take Quranic verses and explain them out of context.  

Jihad does not mean to blow oneself up and kill…

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    As salaam alaikum. Alahmdulilah, I think I have found it! After reading a million and one blogs and thorough Google searching, I think I’ve found the easiest and most basic mixtures. I will post various links so that you can all see the original works and where I got my ideas from directly.


My Recipe

1-Large Container for storing

2-3 Bars of Ivory soap (To be microwaved)

1-Box of Borax (Wal-Mart has 20 Mule Team Borax)

1-Box of Washing Soda (Arm& Hammer)

1-2 Containers of Purex Crystals or Downy (no liquid)

1-Container of Oxyclean (Dollar Tree has generic brand)


I microwave my Ivory soap first. (Some people use Zote or other castile soaps but they have to be grated.) Microwave one bar of ivory soap at a time for 2-3 minutes, keeping an eye on it. It will puff up! Microwaving the soap makes it easier to work with, as it is just crumbles with little effort. Some people prefer t grate the soap with a cheese grater, food processor or blender. I use Ivory and if microwaved, it pretty much grates itself.

My local Wal-Mart carries Arm & Hammer Washing Soda and 20 Mule team Boras. I’ve read many posts and blogs with people who have no access to these things. I also found a review for turning baking soda into washing soda for people who don’t have it available in their area. I at first thought there was no difference between the two. I was so wrong. Baking soda has more crystallized granules and washing soda is plain, dull and has smaller granules. Tips can be found here

You can also do a Google search and find great homemade detergents, both powder and liquid. I will also be posting a DIY section so you will be able to find more ideas, tips, and tricks for cleaning, home maintenance, and other household areas.

Good luck! Leave me a comment if you have tried this or similar recipes, have tips or even if you make your own. Thanks in advance, MahoganyMuslimah


Making Things Work

    Alhamdulilah, we live to see another beautiful day. I just wanted to write a bit about my family. As you know, my husband and I have only one child, who is also home-schooled. When we first began discussing the idea of homeschooling, everyone had something negative to say about how we could possibly ruin my son’s life. With our backgrounds, interest, beliefs, and abilities, we felt homeschooling was best for him. But what about the requirements, doesn’t he need to be around children his age, what on Earth will he do all day; watch television and play video games, don’t you need to have a break sometimes; this was just the beginning of the questions to come. We have only been homeschooling for a few months and everyone’s perception has changed. This is why I say, you have to do what is best for your family. Not just you, but better for the family.

    Where we live, there are no local home-school support groups or even buses or cabs for that matter. I rely on the internet for majority of our resources and support. We have a statewide home-school conference, which is a 2 ½ hour drive away, scheduled for May. Our plans are to be in attendance in sha Allah. If for some reason we can’t, well, Allah knows best. There are many support groups online. I am a member of a few on Yahoo Groups. I have met many beautiful homeschooling mothers from all around the country.

    I am a frugal home-school mom. I shop at Dollar Tree for many school and craft supplies, as well as informal posters. I do not spend a fortune on books. I frequent the local library, thrift store, and discount stores as much as possible. We also work with a lot of e-books. Kindle has great books that are free, especially for unit studies.( ) is a great website that has continuous updates of free or dirt cheap books for kindle devices. I usually print some e-books (the short ones) because my son seems to work better with something physically in his hand. I print a lot! I purchased my handy-dandy hp printer from Wal-Mart for 34 bucks. It does all that I need it to do. I also get the pleasure of purchasing cheap in refills/cartilages from various sites. ($14 for black @ Wal-mart) I recycle printer paper. I use the backs of pages for reprinting and scrap paper for crafts and working out math problems. I even take out my cartilages, give them a good shake and print for a few more times afterwards. I can’t complain! I don’t have the most in the world but I appreciate what I do have.

    We are also planting a small garden. We’ve purchased some seeds and some we just keep from the fruit and veggies that we consume daily. We started some container plants indoors but nothing has spouted yet. (only been 2 weeks) We’ll see how that goes, in sha Allah.

    The moral of this post is that you have to do what is best for you and your family. Everyone will have their opinion about what you should and/or shouldn’t be doing. Go with your better judgment. The more you do something, the easier it becomes to you. I wish you all the best.

Leave me a comment if you have had similar experiences or encouraging words to share. Love to hear from you. Thanks in advance, MahoganyMuslimah

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Allahu Akbar

    Today has been a great day for me! Alhamdulilah! I am somehow managing to get all of my housework done, home-school, and write without having a single drop of coffee. I really don’t know why but I am excited today. I also get to go house shopping (picking up supplies) today too! Yay!
I don’t know about anyone else but I get super excited about picking up things for the house and making sure we all have what we need (without breaking the bank). I have clipped my coupons and made a short list of things I need to pick up. The Frugal Girls ( has a great list of DIY ideas that will really stretch a buck. There is a link for Dawn dish detergent DIY foam that I plan on making today for my project. It is very simple to do.

Tools Needed:

1-empty foam soap dispenser

1/3- Dawn dish detergent (a few teaspoons)

2/3- water

You will need to put the detergent in the container first before the water. ***Do Not Shake***

    This recipe can also be used for making foam hand soap in the dispenser.

I hope you will have as much fun making yours as I will. I also have my son making the foam hand soap for his bathroom. We’ll just have to see how well this goes.

Don’t forget to leave me a comment below with any ideas or suggestions. Thanks in advance, MahoganyMuslimah


My Frizzled Fridays

    As salaam alaikum, happy Jummah. So my day starts off with me over-sleeping. I was working lat on The Night at the Museum (Battle of Smithsonian) unit study. I think it is the perfect thing! This movie brought so many characters to life and me being me, I had to make it into a project.

    I found a great blog who decided to do a Night at the Museum unit also. They even have a list of historical characters form the movies that makes for great research, such as: Attila the Hun, The Tuskegee airmen, Easter Island, and Ivan the terrible. She has great ideas and I’m sure my son will love it also. He is also super excited. I have created a list of characters that would be great to do this unit study on that tie in with the movie.

The Civil War

Teddy Roosevelt

Al Capone

Amelia Earhart



Albert Einstein

The Thinker and Kahmunah

Abe Lincoln

George Foreman (Bio)

Ben Stiller (Bio)

    I would suggest doing the unit and research before watching the movie. When your child/children knows even the basics of the historical characters, it makes watching the movies afterward very interesting and rewarding.

    I hope this post was helpful. If you have any suggestions for this or other unit studies, or if you have any questions, just drop me a comment. Thanks in advance, MahoganyMuslimah

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This is very informative!

Home-School-Community Blog

Here is another email question, this one related to Unit Studies:

Q:  Hi Holly 

We have been homeschooling for one year now and would really like to use a unit study, but haven’t been able to find anything on a 6th grade level.  Unfortunately, I will not be able to make it to the workshop for this event.  Can you recommend a few curriculums? 


MaryAnne Collins


 A:  Hi MaryAnne,  I am sorry that you won’t be able to make the workshop on Unit Studies. 

For 6th graders, here are a few options. 

Konos:  a K-12th grade program in several volumes.  The main focus is character qualities with nearly everything except math tied in.  Each unit is divided into sections to show the grade level material for each subject.  Much of this program works better if you have some other students to interact with–such as a weekly…

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So….I found this pic on a random site and I love it. This is so me!


Home Managemnet and Organization

Keeping up with the day-to-day adventures of a busy family takes a lot of work. Managing a home is a full-time (permanent position) that requires much of your time, effort, attention, commitment, dedication, and most of all, love. As you may know, things do not have to be as difficult as they may seem. I have found and utilize many helpful websites that offer ways to help your days, weeks, and months run smoother. There are free meal planning sheets, various organization print-outs, and templates and tips to helpful tips and tricks to help you get started and be on your way. My top 3 sites that I use most often are,, and I absolutely love these sites and have all bookmarked.
One of my favorite websites that I didn’t mention earlier is the This site has everything! There is a lot of valuable information offered and great resources. They have everything you may need from homeschooling (all grades), organizational tips, tons of resources and many, many more.


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Random Post

This is a random post about a few things that were on my mind. First off, I’m new to blogging and just starting to get a feel of the site and get my feel planted on the ground. I am open to any suggestions, comments and ideas. Also, I will be uploading photos and links soon in sha Allah.

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